Tuesday, June 06, 2006

DNN - Congratulations!

Congratulations are in order to all of last nights successful candidates.

Across the board voters in Del Norte County cast their votes for the candidates who were widely seen as pro-people and motivated by their desire to help the community they represented. They ran their campaigns on the issues, and responded to negative ads with firmness, tact, and originality.

DNN wishes all of you good luck as you go about the business of representing the people.


Anonymous said...

So who were the winners and losers from Tuesday's elections ...

1. Economic development. Sullivan, and to a lesser extent, Hemmingson, stressed economic development in their campaigns. That played well with many voters, who are tired of seeing environmental concerns stop projects seemingly before they get started.

2. Republicans. The local GOP community is far better organized and far closer to the mainstream of the community's thinking than the Democrats are.

3. The Triplicate. The newspaper remains the primary advertising medium for political candidates. Undoubtedly, The Triplicate made its revenue goal for May, and probably for June as well, thanks to the influx of campaign advertising.

The losers

1. Dirty politics. Those candidates that ran mudslinging, personal attack driven races -- Dunham, Alexander, Davies -- all were embarrassingly drubbed. Dunham must be wondering "What was I thinking" when he allowed his puppet-masters Scavuzzo and Kane to push him into running such a dirty campaign.

2. Democratic strategy. The Demoracts decided to put their money into Sarah Sampel's race, figuring that in District 3, a three-person race would lead to a run-off between Sullivan and Moore. Clearly, they underestimated the feeling of anger in District 4 towards Sampels.

3. Bill Stamps Jr. Several candidates declined to accept money from the son of the legend, and Sullivan probably regretted accepting funds from him after being lambasted by Dunham. Supporters of the Library Tax were quietly grumbling when Stamps did a radio ad supporting Measure A, and several people after the election were angry that Stamps Jr., had cost them the election.

Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

CC Urban Legend
What's that old saw about rats jumping ship?
The word out there on the street is: cool the Tar & put away the Feathers the gruesome foursome have jumped - the bar closed shop, the LOR leader left, the thug has been perk walked to the door and our own piece of state sweetness M&M (contrary to 'ver-tiz-ments) has melted into that other CA. (Even our LOR choked up on this one!) Yah gotta ask yourself; does a "mellow green enviro" wear better than the "neon chartreuse one" they were painting our community into a corner with?