Thursday, November 10, 2011

Del Norte Residents Identify Thieves Vehicles

A security camera in a local home caught this photo of a vehicle that matches the description of the vehicle the Del Norte County Sheriff's office is looking for in a rash of robberies. It was escorted by a Black Toyota car that has been seen working with this vehicle.

Face Book has been alive with reports of these two vehicles as they are spotted in various areas of Del Norte County. Residents are wondering why the pair operating the vehicles and breaking into our homes have not been apprehended yet.

With the ongoing American Depression eating into our livelihoods, most Del Norters, like most Americans, have come to realize that we can not afford to let our property be taken, and we know that people desperate and uncaring enough to steal in broad daylight are very likely to hurt or kill someone, probably sooner rather than later.

A meeting is being held on Monday night at the Del Norte County Fairgrounds to demand answers to Law Enforcements slow response to the problem.

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