Monday, May 22, 2006

DNN - CORRUPTION: Guest Editorial by Ron Plechety

Hey gang,

In a classic "heard it on the grapevine":

Our good fellow and shy retiring all too often repressed Ron Plechaty sent the following observation to our "local opinion rag" as a "lett to the ed". It'll be interesting to see it they print it. Yeah right! Mmmmm - could happen! - ALT

Wake up District 3 !!!

Clark Moore who is running for a District 3 Supervisor has a serious ethics problem that needs to be made public. Moore and McClure are on the RAC Committee (AKA Resource Advisory Council) and are able to vote for projects and recommend to the Board of Supervisors where and how to spend money on projects within this county. Pay attention to this:

The Redwood Economic Development Institute who also has McClure as CEO, also employs Moore as a project manager.

While on the Board of Supervisors McClure voted for money to be spent to benefit her company (REDI) who also employs Moore.

Moore actually presented the Coast to Caves Trail project to the Board.

If McClure in her capacity as a member of the Board of Supervisors voted to support funding her corporation. This is a clear conflict of interest. If this occurred anywhere else the local paper would be running a headline on the front page “McClure votes to fund REDI to Hire Moore who is also running for District 3 Supervisor.”

The worse thing about this is we need to find out how many times McClure and her political friends have done this over the years? This is wrong plain and simple.

I have repeatedly tried to alert this community of the cozy relationship McClure has with the environmentalists and the negative influence they have had in this county. When will people listen?

Good government demands that neither one of these people vote on the RAC because it benefits them monetarily. Clark Moore should have never proposed this to the Board of Supervisors as he has a stake in this project. McClure should have never been allowed to vote to spend money that goes to REDI the company she controls. When will the taxpayers and voters wake up???. Voters in District 3 please wake up!!!!.

In my opinion, Moore will do the same thing as a Supervisor as evidenced by the above.



Anonymous said...

While I am supporting Mike Sullivan in the third district supervisor race, I shy away from anything Ron Plechety says. If it wasn't for his "goose in the toilet" fiasco, McNamara would have defeated McClure in the last election. I always wonder if Ron apologizes each and every time he sees Rick for costing him the election.

Anonymous said...

Rick McNamara's response:

I want to thank Siskiyous and DNN for letting me respond to this comment.

Ron and I agreed to disagree on the goose in the toilet. One of the most frustrating things for a candidate is the fact that your supporters are tougher on you than your detractors. Ron and others felt I could not be tough enough to beat McClure. They thought they could beat her up and I would benefit from it.

Even as we disagreed on what he was doing, Ron and I worked on the reconstruction of Lake Earl Grange, and on comments on various issues like the Critical Habitat designation of the Snowy Plover, and the misuse of green sticker funds at the Miller Rellim site. A misuse that was going to put more taxpayer dollars into the "Friends" personal bank accounts.

If Ron says there is a problem with RAC funds then I am certain he did his home work and can document it.

Always remember the McNamara vs. McClure race woke many people up in this community. It is entirely possible that many of those people would have stopped paying attention and working for change if I had won.

Rick McNamara